Where it begun

My daughter was 5 months old when I sat down on the couch after picking up a Canon 7d off marketplace. I had a gorgeous little bub staring at me & I knew in that moment it was time to follow my dreams. I had been here before, when I was around 19 and back then I had all of the gear but my why wasn't strong enough. I had a fancy camera but not enough drive. I registered my business name that day, in November 2020; amongst the chaos that was going on in the world, I still wanted to try.

It was a time of uncertainty & unfamiliar times. I had a burning desire to raise my daughter and work casually as a Photographer. I was watching my daughter grow up day by day and I had a passion for capturing those moments that became so strong; I wanted to do that for others.

My daughter has never been a great sleeper; in fact, she is 2 years old and has yet to sleep through the night; times can be challenging. I would work on my business whenever she was asleep, and I knew I wanted this business to thrive. My business has been growing since I began and continues to every year.

I upgraded all of my equipment, new cameras, lenses, and computers & also introduced a client wardrobe for all of my lovely clients to choose from. I wanted to offer an experience that was one to remember.

It is September 2022 and life is a little different these days. My partner works away for 4 weeks at a time and it is just my little girl and I. I am in the season of raising a toddler and let me tell you that comes with challenges. I am learning how to navigate the heightened emotions whilst staying present with her. I was so hesitant about daycare but have finally found one that is amazing. It has taken me 2 entire years to be ok with taking some time for myself. I have her in care 2 days a week where I am out capturing in-home sessions, editing, emails and so on.

I spend a lot of my nights at the computer, but I enjoy it so much. I truly love what I do and put so many hours into my business. This is the first time in my life I can honestly say I am where I am meant to be. This is my truth; photography is where I am meant to be and it fills my cup.

I am writing this whilst in a cafe by myself! I have found a babysitter that is incredible and interactive with Indi. I need the time to think, to create ideas for my business and to have a clear mind to come up with ideas on ways to serve my clients best. I must admit, if I am not working I do still have the occasional Mum guilt come over me. I now know how important it is to take some time for yourself, as a parent.

I have big plans & dreams for my business; the most important is client relationships. I can honestly say that serving my clients well is my highest priority. I am so proud of my Google reviews; check them out in the link below.

If you got this far, thank you so much for being here. I plan to provide value, and an amazing experience and show up with so much passion & excitement for my business.

Britt x

Images below- The Wylde Collective