Top tips when starting your own photography business

One of the quickest ways to learn anything is to learn it from someone that has walked that path before. I mentor a lot of photographers that are starting out & I thought it might be helpful to jot down a few ideas for those that are in the same boat. These little tips are personally things I have learnt or implemented in my own business.

  1. This is something I truly believe is essential to run a successful business. You need to take yourself seriously from the start. I know it can be daunting starting out, it will take time to find your style & what you enjoy capturing the most. Take yourself seriously anyway. Learn about business, not just photography. Audible is amazing and affordable to fill your mind with information that will benefit you immensely.
  2. This is one I personally think is important and goes hand in hand with my first point. Have a website from the get go and don't just rely on social media. Yes Instagram is amazing & to this day brings me many clients but don't let that be the only way people are finding you. Websites don't need to be expensive to get started. You don't need to spend thousands, there are affordable options out there. If you have a website you can be found on google, you can start getting google reviews & you can have a space on the internet that is your very own.
  3. Capture images of the work you want to book. If you love maternity but keep showcasing family sessions on your social media, you will get more family sessions. You need to put out to the world, the work you want to attract. Don't be afraid of offering creative sessions whilst starting out. I think it is a great way to truly find what it is that lights you up.
  4. Be prepared to put in the hours. Over the past 3 years I couldn't tell you the amount of hours I have put into shooting and editing. You can learn so very much from YouTube and the free resources out there. Take the time to understand what you are doing to your image when you are playing around with them in post.
  5. Invest in education. This is huge and is something I want to do this year also. Keep on learning from others. There is always something you can learn from someone else in the same industry as you. It is something you won't regret.
  6. Start an email list early! From the start you should be keeping track of your clients & adding them to your email list. Your email list is a place where people that are genuinely interested in your photography, can be reached. Try Flodesk, it is the platform I use and love! This is great to provide value, offer promotions, etc.
  7. Learn about tax and GST early. There will be a time in your business where you must put your GST and tax away, take the time to learn about this early. This information can be found almost anywhere on the internet. You won't regret it.

I currently offer 1 hour mentor calls where you can ask me anything. I have seen growth in my business from the start and continue to do so, I would love to help you too. You will receive a detailed questionnaire and I will run through it with you on our chat. I hope these tips helped.

Thanks for reading,

Britt x